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The book between methods and madness by erik foge

The Story Behind the Writing of Between Methods and Madness

Between Methods and Madness is the fourth book in the Project Pegasus series. When I initially conceived the series, I never intended to write a follow-up book after Horizons Without Boundaries. However, two weeks before I resigned from my corporate job and embarked on my full-time writing career in 2022, I had a surprising dream. This dream sparked the idea of a fourth installment in the series, which would explore an alternate history scenario where the Germans successfully repulsed the landings on the Normandy beaches during World War II.

Initially, I struggled with figuring out how anyone could want to change this established timeline. However, a memory sparked in my mind about a dinner party that took place in The Fumoir. During the dinner party, Major General Henry JF Miller inadvertently revealed the date of the upcoming Operation Overlord. This revelation became the catalyst for building the story.

In this alternate timeline, the Germans captured an Intelligence officer and tortured them to obtain information about the planned invasion. This setback allowed the Germans to regroup and effectively repel the attack. As a result, they were able to conquer most parts of the world by 1961.

Faced with this impending catastrophe, Dr. Függer volunteers to go back in time and correct the timeline. Knowing that he may never return, Dr. Függer embarks on a perilous journey to ensure that history unfolds as intended.

This book delves into the consequences of altering the timeline and explores themes of sacrifice, courage, and the power of one individual’s actions in shaping the course of history. It invites readers to contemplate the fragility of time and the consequences of altering its course.

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