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Yes, some of the characters are based on real people. They held high positions in the military, and I have the upmost respect for them.
No, he is not my alter ego but he is loosely based on me. He has the same humor, witty one-liners, and personality. His actions are things I would have done if I was placed in those situations. I might have his knowledge of World War Two; however, I do not have his martial arts skills.
There could be black government agencies, but ONE is a fictional agency. After reading One Way Roads, a retired Intelligence officer (14N) of the United States Air Force commented on the final paragraph of page 12 stated, “Erik, you may not know how close you are.” Subsequently, he departed and did not cross paths with the me again.
The places and projects either are the products of my imagination or used in a fictitious manner. However, as a reader you can Google Deep Underground Military Bases/Bunkers and Project Rainbow and you can make your own conclusion.
Yes, I did. I planned to write more books about Dr. Erik Függer and his incredible journeys traveling back in time to World War Two.